Metis Genclik ve Spor Kulubu Dernegi
Our association, as an activist association, is extremely sensitive to social and environmental events. In this context, it has organized and actively participated in activities such as environmental clean-ups, reforestation campaigns, assistance to animals in need of care and exposure to violence. The association's members place a premium on long-term sustainability and results-oriented collaboration. In cooperation, great care is taken to produce both intellectual and realistic outcomes. Our primary goal is for organizations and programs to be socially and intellectually beneficial, and for the information generated to be put into effect. The members of Metis Youth and Sports Association have a very high level of enthusiasm to transfer their experiences, to learn and to teach.
Why do we participate?
The members of Metis Youth and Sports Association have a very high level of enthusiasm to transfer their experiences, to learn and to teach. As the staff is consists of experts in their fields like environment, nature, sports, natural sports, photography and as METIS NGO has organized many activities both in sports and photography, this project will give us the change to contribute the project implementation with our experience and we will also get benefits and learn how to combine nature and photography. METIS NGO will cooperate with the schools in the town and help them to improve their digital skills and front to natural sports.
Participating Teachers
Hasan Berk
Vahap Karabulak